vendredi 3 février 2012


Billy Bridge, of its true name Jean-Marc Brige, born with Cherbourg (Handle) it December 17 1945 and died in Paris it November 21 1994, is one singer French.

With the whole beginning of years 1960, Billy Bridge is noticed by Kurt Mohr, who works for the Odéon discs. It publishes, under this label, its first disc “Party” in 1962, where it profits from the contribution of the American guitarist Mickey Baker. The same year, it imports into France it Madison (American dance). It connects several successes: The great M, Madison flirt... It is then called “the Small Prince of Madison”. It occurs in September 1962 withOlympia of Paris, with its group Mustangs, in first part of the English group The Shadows. It appears in an English film Just for fun (1963), of Gordon Fleming.

Billy Bridge knows an eclipse and disappears, under his name, of the hit-parades since 1964. It is devoted then to the writing of songs for the others and is again success.

Billy Bridge consequently starts again spectacularly his career in England. In 1971, under the pseudonym of Black Swan, it sells a million specimens of its song Echoes and rainbows. It finishes its life while giving, in France, in the concerts which cultivate the nostalgia of its beginnings. (Source).

Link : Billy Bridge - Surboum

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